
  1. 每月獎學金新臺幣二萬五千元(約等於900美金,依照台幣──美金匯率有所浮動)。受獎生需自行負擔華語課程學費、宿舍住宿費、生活費等。

  2. 依申請種類有不同的補助期間:暑期(五月至八月,共3個月)、單一學期(四個月)、一學年(兩個學期,等於八個月)


Chung Yuan Christian University

We respect the dignity of nature and of humanity, and we seek to promote harmony between the Creator, oneself, all other human beings, and the entire creation through the wise and prudent utilization of professional knowledge of the sciences and the humanities.We recognize individual differences with respect to talents, character, capability, and background. We believe that full development of one’s potential signifies success.