中原大學 x ViewSonic 複合教學應用案例

新冠肺炎疫情演變至今,各國疫情狀態不一,全球許多老師都面臨只有部分學生在課堂,另有一部分學生分佈在他處,甚至在其他國家的情況。ViewSonic結合所需硬體及軟體,推出 myViewBoard 數位教學平台與 ViewDirector 等全方位解決方案, 以因應疫情下全新教學現場挑戰。

中原大學攜手 ViewSonic,共同啟動「天涯若比鄰」計劃,雙方打造全球第一間 ViewSonic Hybrid Teaching Classroom 複合教學教室。該新形態教室結合所需軟硬體,可以直播、同步、非同步等數位方式,同時實現課室教學、遠距教學、直播教學與複合互動教學等不同型態之數位化教學活動,以應對後疫情時代的教育現場。


Chung Yuan Christian University

We respect the dignity of nature and of humanity, and we seek to promote harmony between the Creator, oneself, all other human beings, and the entire creation through the wise and prudent utilization of professional knowledge of the sciences and the humanities.We recognize individual differences with respect to talents, character, capability, and background. We believe that full development of one’s potential signifies success.